Forest Light
This flute is inspired by colours. Particularly the colours in forests. I spent most of my childhood running around a little wood behind my house. It was my playground of imagination and discovery and I learned much there from Mother Earth, even at this early age. What to touch and what not to as this was a place where Poison Ivy made its home. This was probably one of the first plants I learned about. So beautiful. Such vibrant green leaves with sawtooth edges yet her bite was strong and after the first bite I knew her well. The trees each had their own light and personality. Willow would shine with the most vibrant light green and sway gently in the breeze that would sometimes meander through the forest. Maple stood tall with rough greyish bark and dark green leaves. Their beautiful seeds called Samaras would change colour from green to brown and would spin gracefully as they flew to reach the ground. Birch with her shining white bark and almost heart shaped leaves almost always felt magical to find. My favourite colour to this day is blue and the blue I remember most clearly through out my whole life is that of the sky when standing in pine forests. To look up through the branches and needles into the blue sky beyond is for me an experience beyond words. I have never seen a blue like this anywhere else it always fills me with the most incredible vibrancy and joy. It is my hope that this flute will sing often in the forest on her journey. In honour of all that can be discovered within the forests of Mother Earth I name this flute. Forest Light.
She is in the key of F# tuned to 432Hz. She is made of specked bamboo that I foraged here in Cornwall. I use a combination of burning, sanding and polishing which gives each of these flutes a wonderful smooth finish and unique colour pattern. The block which is made of from a Western Red Cedar. It is held in place with leather lace from North American Whitetail Deer hide and has an inlay of Turquoise. The stone inlay on the body of the flute is Lapiz Lazuli representing blue sky through pines. The lashing at each end is artificial sinew and blue and green waxed twine. The feathers are of Crow, Magpie which as always were found while I am walking with Mother Nature.
Find the music within yourself
Forest Light
Her Voice
To hear a recording of her voice please follow the SoundCloud link below: