Deer Gentle Soul
One the morning that I started creating this flute, one of the first other living beings that I saw was a beautiful deer. She walked silently upon the grass in a nearby field. She stopped and our eyes met for a moment. I then cast my gaze to the Earth at my feet as to not alarm her and to show her that I meant no harm. I stood still like a stone and opened my heart to her sending a message of happiness. With my eyes now closed I felt the most incredible calmness and serenity. This message was coming from this deer. I could feel her breath and heartbeat and there was no fear. Just contentment with the morning sunshine and warmth in the air. After sometime the other sounds and songs of the morning became apparent to me and filled me completely with joy. I opened my eyes and slowly looked up to see that the deer was still in the same place looking out across the field as if deep in meditation. I sent her another message of great gratitude and love as I slowly continued on my way across the field not looking back until I reached the forest. When I turned around she was gone. This flute is inspired by this beautiful deer. My intention is that all who play her and hear her songs will feel calm, peaceful and full of grace. In honour of all deer who walk upon this land I name this flute Deer Gentle Soul
This flute is best suited for someone who plays with their left hand below their right hand due to the offset finger holes.
She is in the key of E tuned to 432Hz and is 60cm (24”). Made from natural mottled bamboo, I use a combination of burning, sanding and polishing which gives each of these flutes a wonderful smooth finish and unique colour pattern. Due to the offset finger holes this flute is best suited for someone who plays with their left hand at the foot of the flute. The stone inlays are green Malachite representing the beauty of the forest. The block is made of Black Locust that my Dad foraged in Upstate New York and is held in place with leather lace from North American Whitetail Deer hide and has Turquoise eyes.The lashing around the body of the flute is artificial sinew and the feathers are Crow and Red Kite which as always were found while I am walking with Mother Nature or gifted to me by friends.
Find the music within yourself
Deer Gentle Soul
Her Voice
To hear a recording of her voice please follow the SoundCloud link below: