Deep Roots Reaching Branches
This flute is made from Ash and she is the first one I have made from this incredible tree. For the Celtic peoples the branches of this tree reach to the universe above while the roots grow deep into Mother Earth. This tree provides the bridge to connect them. My inspiration for this flute about how the wisdom of this magnificent tree helps me to connect with my own journey and growth. As I peel back the layers of who I am and discover more about myself I am fascinated by what I find. Some layers are beautiful and some not so but each are so very important to me. They are gifts to be cherished and all I have to do is have the courage to really want to know myself. Often what seems to be dark and limiting can actually be pure gold when I bring these parts of me out from the shadows and nurture them with love and compassion. I begin to grow new shoots and branches from limbs that once appeared broken and heavy. My roots grow deeper into the heart of Mother Earth where I find strength and loving nourishment to stand strong with kindness and beauty. To embrace the storms that come with flexibility and understanding without being toppled over. To spread my arms wide holding, hearing and sharing with those close to me an ever growing love, stability and truth. With this new growth my branches reach closer to the heavens. Closer to the Universe through which we are all connected. With this connection I become even more aware of who I am as well as being in tune with my surroundings. This is all the wisdom of Ash. Your beauty and strength inspires me each day. It is my hope that this flute will help all those who hear her voice to find the courage to grow and understand and know thy self more deeply. In honour of this most incredible journey I name this flute,
Deep Roots Reaching Branches
and She is in the key of G tuned to 432Hz. She is made of Ash that I foraged here in Cornwall. I use a combination of burning, sanding and polishing which gives each of these flutes a wonderful smooth finish and unique colour pattern. The block which is made of from a Eastern Red Cedar. It is held in place with leather lace from North American Whitetail Deer hide and has an inlay of Turquoise. The stone inlays on the body of the flute are Turquoise representing growth. The lashing at each end is artificial sinew. The feathers are of Crow, Buzzard which as always were found while I am walking with Mother Nature.
Find the music within yourself
Deep Roots Reaching Branches
Her Voice
To hear a recording of her voice please follow SoundCloud link below: