Blessed Journey
This flute is inspired by the cycle of life and this incredible journey we are on. On the morning I started creating this flute I was sitting on the beach gazing out across the sea and was completely immersed in the vastness that lay before me. I imagined this sea to be my life before I came into being. Almost featureless. An almost blank canvas for me to fill. There were small boats upon this sea and on the hulls of these boats were painted their names. These names were small reminders of the parts of myself that I could choose to work on and heal throughout this particular life. Part of my life purpose. They were there to help me nourish and nurture this life so that I may grow to become the being that is me. The being that I want to be. I stood up with my feet firmly set on Mother Earth and raised my hands to Father Sky. I gave thanks for this life as I have lived it so far. The canvas before me was no longer almost blank. It was filled with all that I had lived and learned up to this very moment and with each breath a new brushstroke was laid down upon this vast sea before me. I am grateful for this life and in honour of all life within this incredible universe which we are all part of I name this flute,
Blessed Journey
She is in the key of F# tuned to 432Hz and is made from bamboo that I foraged here in Cornwall. The totem is made of Eastern Red Cedar foraged by my Dad in Update NewYork. It is held in place with leather lace from North American Whitetail Deer hide. The stone inlays on the body of the flute and the Totem are Turquoise and Malachite. The lashing at the end is artificial sinew and cotton twine. The feathers are of Buzzard which as always were found while I am walking with Mother Earth
Find the music within yourself
Blessed Journey
Her Voice
To hear a recording of her voice please follow the SoundCloud link below: